Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Science Testing - Puddles

McKenzie, Tomas and Andrew wanted to find out... Which liquid would make the biggest puddle.

They found out Oil made the smallest puddle.  All the other liquids they tested made puddles twice the size.  Excellent Fair Testing you three.

Monday, June 7, 2010


In science, we are inquiring into how solids, liquid and gases can change.   

As part of our inquiry, we have decided to test five different liquids.  Cooking oil, sea water, tap water, white vinegar and milk.  In our first investigation we are trying to answer: Which liquid evaporates the quickest?

To do this we got some of each liquid in five different containers and planned to measure the liquids level each week. 

As a whole class we learnt about fair tests and why we need to make the test fair.  To test these fairly we thought we needed to :
  • Have the same size containers.
  • Have the same amount of liquid.
  • Measure the same each time.
We now want to answer these questions in our next Science Investigations:
  • Which liquid makes the biggest puddle?
  • Which liquid will boil first?
  • Which liquids will freeze?
  • Which liquid will boil first?
  • Which liquids has the coldest/hottest 'little lumps' (molecules).

Landscape Painting - Pencarrow Head

Hi.  During this term we have been learning different painting techniques such as: feathering, pointillism, scraping and water wash.  We have also been experimenting with primary colours; seeing what colours and shades we could make.   

Here's a couple of Landscape Paintings that we did of Pencarrow Head. We used our different techniques, colour mixing skills and our understanding of shade to make our paintings look 3 dimensional.
Come in and check them all out.