Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Last Day of Term 1

Here's a glimpse of the LAST DAY OF TERM 1, 2010 in Room 10.

Have a safe and enjoyable holiday kids. See you next Term; ready to get stuck into learning. From Mr. Ray.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In reading and writing we are beginning to find out how stories are written and how they are put together. We found that most authors write their stories using a common structure. (Character, setting, problem, action and outcome).

To help us learn how stories are written and structured, Room 10 made freeze frames to recreate the classic myth - How Maui Slowed the Sun. We were trying to make EFFECTIVE and DRAMATIC FREEZE FRAMES, so we though it would be a good idea to:
  • Use facial expressions,
  • Use large body movements, and...
  • Have different heights.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Chilly Year 3 and 4 Swimming Sports

Sunday, March 14, 2010

In Room 10 we have been using our senses to collect information and then write an interesting description of a place. We have been learning to use interesting describing words and a variety of sentence starters to make our writing more enjoyable for the reader. CHECK THEM OUT!

Chicken Nugget Library - By Tomas

Today I was surprised because we were going to the library. When we got there I felt sandpapery tables. Suddenly, I smelt cheesy chicken nuggets. The I felt hard number plates.

Our Library - By Suzanne

In the library, the pretty pretty library, I suddenly heard noisy, chatty, screaming children who were like elephants. The tables felt hard like a tree. On the wall there were beautiful pictures.

The Letter Library By Macey

All of a sudden, I found myself in the library, I saw some mightly snapping sharks hanging on the ceiling, and then ever so slightly, all of a sudden I heard tremendous noisy feet coming in. While that was happening I fell over and landed on the most silkiest thing I had ever felt; it was a very lovely silky bean bag.

Then suddenly I felt like going to the library corner, I smelt this little box, it had this very oily smell; I was sure it was some nugget creams. My favourite thing in the library is the books. I especially like the cool chapter ones the best!

The Field at Muritai - By Maya

Yesterday I explored the field. I saw towering trees that were blowing like the wind and croaking cicadas living in them. Suddenly a cicada fell to ground. It smelt of a fearsome and rotting, fishy, smelly, black rat. It was sad. After that I felt rough leaves, when suddenly I heard this weird sound - it was an echoing, barking dog. Then I felt smooth wind through my hair, I felt like a great bird.

The Far Field at Muritai -
By Pra-Wa

I rushed to the field and I hear an echoing barking dog next the towering trees. Then I look up to the sky – croaky flying cicadas was singing in the sky. I smelt a fresh sea breeze around the trees, it smelt like seaweed. Also I felt bumpy hard ground. It made me laugh.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The kids in Room 10 have been learning to throw and catch better. We have been practicing our skills when we play T-Ball. Milly seems to be an exceptionally big hitter (two home runs!).