Monday, October 18, 2010

Tectonic Plate Sculpture

"In my sculpture of tectonic plates, it is making a mountain and an earthquake.  It is like India and Asia (making Mt Everest), it is like a snail slowly forming a mountain, maybe even a volcano."

Sculptured and written by Ben

Rich Poetry

Waves crashing –

It is eagles repeatedly screaming,
energetically, breathing non – stop

It is an army charging closer and closer
towards the sad and salty shore.

People are squelching
in the energetic watery waves.

By Helena

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Study of Nepal and Poetry begins

Room 10 have begun their Term 4 inquiry into Nepal.  Check out the Year 3/4 Wiki.  Because Nepal is prone to earthquakes, as is New Zealand, we chose to learn about Plate Tectonics and how the world moves and is put together. 

We have also begun to read and write poetry.  Here are a few poems that we wrote today inspired by out inquiry into Plate Tectonics.  We are learning to use a variety of language features to give the reader rich images (and hopefully make them cry).   
What language features can you spot?

Tectonic plates –
Like a swirling, slimy, slivering snail
like waves coming near you when you're going to shake away with the sandy shells.
CRASH!  The plates crash like cars crashing into each other.
It is tiny insects running towards each other when a big tornado soaks them up
once there in the middle together.

By Mia

Tectonic plates –
Like an angry three horned tyrannosaurus
Crashing at someone,
Slipping and sliding.
It is a whirling, twirling ice cream machine, 
going crazy.
Like a whale gliding 
across the ocean

By Georgia